Wisdomfied part 15-Control of the Tongue

Prepare Your Heart: Read James 3:2-14.  Reflect through prayer or journaling the control of your tongue or any situations where it has put you in harm’s way.  What examples of this passage have you seen in your life?

Happy New Year!  Everyone is making resolutions.  In the background behind me I can hear the beach body trainer on P90X because my husband has made a resolution to exercise more.  In my first grade class we even joined the fun and created goals as a writing project.  Many people become mindful of the dangers in what they eat, how they spend their time, and unhealthy habits like smoking, etc.  I’ve been known in the past to not make resolutions because I don’t want to break them !  Yet, it is great to look at your life and find areas that need tweaking.  How about in your spiritual life?  To see my thoughts on how I’m doing straight out of my journal from last year, reference my last post: Gleanings 2011.  God has built this habit of reflection into our prayer life when he taught us to pray.  In Matthew 6:12 when Jesus teaches the “Lord’s Prayer,” He tells them to ask for their debts to be forgiven.  To know what to confess, one must reflect.  We are also to reflect when we take communion (1 Corinthians 11:27-29).  Reflection is a habit of spiritual growth. 

So for those of you who resolve to make resolutions, which among you chose to watch your mouth? 

Proverbs 18:20-21 says, From the fruit of his mouth a man’s stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied.  The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit (NIV).   It has the power of life and death!  Pretty important to consider, don’t you think.  Now don’t be too annoyed with flipping pages today. You might want to grab a bandage along with your journal and Bible in case you get a paper cut.  I considered cutting this into two portions but then I thought what the heck!  Might as well get the big pictures on all the things God has to say about our speech.  Plus a lot of you made a renewed commitment to study  your Bible more so go for it!!!

This week there are 10 categories.  To challenge yourself and interact in a higher level with the text, after you take notes try to make a summary statement about what you learn about each topic.  I’d love it if you shared your best one in the comment section of the post! 

Wise and foolish talk

·         14:3

·         15:2,7

·         16:23

·         18:6,7

·         19:1

·         23:15,16

Righteous and wicked talk

·         10:20,21,31,32

·         11:11

·         12:13,14

·         13:1

·         `15:28

·         17:4

Appropriate speech

·         15:23

·         16:21,24

·         25:11

·         27:14

Maintaining silence

·         10:19

·         12:23

·         13:3

·         17:28

·         18:13

·         21:23

Controlled speech

·         15:1

·         17:27

·         25:15


·         26:28

·         28:23

·         29:15

Slander and gossip

·         10:18

·         11:13

·         16:28

·         17:9

·         18:8

·         20:19

·         26:20

Hurtful talk

·         11:12

·         12:18

·         15:4

·         16:27

·         25:23

·         26:2


·         17:14, 19

·         20:3

·         22:10

·         26:21


·         12:19,22

·         17:20

·         19:5,22

·         21:6

So ladies where did you see conviction this week?  For me is maintaining silence.  I always have a lot to say about everything so usually the verbal part of my brain engages before the silent part.  I end up apologizing and clearing things up a lot as I tend to be a verbal processor.  This happens most with my best friends, husbands, and kids.  Why do the ones we love most tend to get the worst parts of us?  Perhaps because we feel confident in their love and let it all fly sometimes.  I also need to confess that I swear a little bit on the soccer field.   Luckily our goalie is a Christian and keeps me accountable if I slip up.  I really do want to show that I’m different on the inside by what comes out of me.  Jesus talked about our speech in this way in Matthew 7:18 when He said there is nothing outside the man which can defile him if it goes into him; but the things which proceed out of the man are what defile the man. 

Hope this study brings to light the things inside that God wants to transform in you this year!

Love ya!



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