The Ministry of Reconciliation part 6-Let No Man Seperate
Prepare Your Heart: Prayerfully read Romans chapter 12. Though this passage doesn’t explicitly discuss marriage, it is full of ways we should treat others, especially our spouse. As you read and pray, reflect and ask God to show you things about your marriage through this study. We are continuing our study of being peacemakers and this week we turn to a specific relationship: marriage. You may be a woman who is not married for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you are divorced, engaged, dating, widowed, or have chosen to remain single. My hope is that you will still take something away from this as a way to support others in their current marriages or glean knowledge for that stage of life in the future. Recently my small group has started a video series on marriage. As I’ve listened to the teacher, I’m not sure that his view of marriage is a biblical one. (As I’ve shared before, test all teaching against the words of th...