John- Now I See

Orient John 9:1-41 John 9 turns us once again to the reoccurring task of the author, to convince the reader to believe in Jesus. In the broader section, we see who Jesus is by another public miracle, the blind man healed of his sight. Conflict with the Jews is again present (notice the repeated argument about the legality of healing on the Sabbath) and teaching his disciples is also included in this section. As in previous miracles, there are responses to the miracle itself by different groups—the Jews, the man, and his parents. In the opening, Jesus refers to Himself as “light,” a common metaphor that John introduced in the prelude and Jesus referenced previously at the Feast of Booths. The metaphor of blindness/sight is meant to point us to the spiritual realities of seeing our condition before God and need for the Savior Christ. Introduction When my daughter was younger, she played ...