Love Never Fails

Dear Blog Readers,

As I’ve been working on other projects, it has been a long time since I’ve last posted—so long in fact that I wonder who, if anyone, will read these words.  If you’re like me, life has been a bit different lately.  That’s not entirely accurate; life has thrown given us a hard left.  Our everyday lives, our busy schedules, our work and our plans have been almost entirely eliminated as we are living through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Many Christian teachers I follow have come out with sermons, blog posts, and podcasts addressing the state of the human heart and the place we spiritually find ourselves in.  And I am no different—though my influence may be small I want to use my voice to unite under one Spirit with those reminding us to turn to God.  I am so profoundly grateful that I have faith in a time where many are looking for answers.  Where I have peace, to counter the fear that is all around me.  Where I have hope, where so many are facing the loss of their freedoms, employment, or even the physical wellbeing of themselves and loved ones.  

This “out of control” feeling has caught us all off guard, when in reality it reveals a truth that we often don’t have to face.  We don’t have ultimate control.  That statement might terrify you or be a good reminder.  If you trust the sovereign nature of God and remember how He has already rescued you, this season will be one of surrender.  I don’t know what tomorrow will hold but I do know Who is with me and for me.  Like 1 Peter 3:15 says I have a reason ready for the hope that is within me.  

I hope to post to you regularly during this hiatus, to encourage you and share what God is showing me. None of us have the answers, and we will all experience highs and lows, but we can encourage one another, even more as we see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25).  For that is the ultimate hope, no matter what the next few weeks bring, those who know Christ have a destiny that is secure.  A day is coming where our current headlines become an empty threat (Rev 21:4).  

1 Corinthians 13 is a timeless biblical chapter, one read most often at weddings, as couples filled with the anticipation of marital bliss share to express their commitment to each other.  It can be helpful to read familiar passages in other translations to get a fresh take.  That was my experience this week.  The New Living Translation shows us 4 ways love can push back the cloud hanging over all of us as we navigate “the new normal.”  Will you focus on love this week, love as defined in 1 Corinthians 13:7, not as an abstract concept but something that can flow out of you consistently?  Not perfectly, but more than the day before? 

Love Never Gives Up
I give up.  In fact, I sometimes quit before I start when I feel like it will be too hard or I won’t be good at it.  Last week I had to give up on going to work, going on vacation, going without peace of mind as I was trying to juggle working from home, getting my groceries on time or even knowing what would be there when I got to the store, time with friends, keeping my kids off their screens… I’m sure you have your own list of well of disappointments and have felt like crawling into bed and never coming out. The change seems insurmountable at times but love never gives up.  It never gets overwhelmed.  It never stops when faced with challenges.  It never quits when things get hard.  It never resigns.  If I fill up with the love of God, I can embody that same quality.  It may not be easy, but I can keep going too.  And when I do throw in the towel because I’m not perfect, I won’t stay there.  In those moments, I will fill up with God’s love and start again.  

Love Never Loses Faith
I had a pity party this week.  I lost focus on faith and tried binging on Netflix.  It did pass the time, but made me more lethargic and pessimistic.  Now no judgment here, I am catching up on some of my favorite leisure activities right now.  We all need self-care and luckily a lot of my go-tos (knitting, reading, walks outside) are still available.  And yes, I’m going to check out the shows my friends are recommending to me.  Movies with the family each night is still on the table!  But I’m choosing faith first and it’s made a huge difference.  Bringing constant touch points in my day of prayer, meditation, journaling, connecting with other Christians virtually, getting off Facebook and the steady stream of bad news and into God’s word and His ever-present good news first.  I can grow my faith instead of lose my faith if I leverage this extra time and prioritize the disciplines that draw me close to God.  

Love is Always Hopeful
On March 13th my world went into a tailspin.  I’m a teacher and they put school on hold indefinitely, at least through the end of April.  The staff room conversation was filled with speculation and rumors; we were checking email constantly to see if our administrators had updated the staff with any new information.   Then the message came that afternoon.  After days of worry, it was happening: school was put on hold for a minimum of 6 weeks.   In the days that followed, it seemed almost hourly another thing changed or was taken away.  I wasn’t feeling hopeful about anything.  I was bitter, frustrated, mad, anxious, despondent--so many different feelings were front and center in my mind but definitely not hope.  Yet in God’s slow and steady way, as I’m turning to His love and allowing Him to fill me up, I’m starting to become hopeful, to see this time as a gift.   Instead of hindering me, it can create more margin to connect with God and others.  To be creative, to find ways to connect with my kids that I usually don’t and to discover a new way to teach and learn.  To spend time on my writing, reconnect with old friends, and pray with more intention and fervor.  To have more time to commune with God and grow closer to Him.  Hope transforms resentment into opportunity. 

Loves Endures in Every Circumstance
I don’t want to be too Pollyanna, here’s some straight talk.  This is a hard time.  We have to endure.  That is the perfect adjective about how I feel most of the time.  I love that this verse calls out times in life that aren’t easy.  That must be gotten through-where you put your head down, take the next step all the while longing for change.  Love is the fuel to help you endure.  And love isn’t just for hard times, it’s for every circumstance.  For times of joy, sorrow, confusion, and anxiety.  Love has its gifts in every season. Love allows me to view my stuck at home kids with fresh eyes, my spouse with new passion, and my context with new perspective.  

I pray that during this season of isolation that you take hold of the words of life found in Scripture.  Lean into the love of God.  Let it fill you; His supply is inexhaustible.  Let it overflow from you and into all your interactions.  Let it change you, bringing a new life into your spirit.  Let it bring you hope and help you endure all that is yet to come…Love never fails.  


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