John: Can I Get A Witness?
Orient John 5:30-47 Jesus continues His discourse to the Pharisees after his healing of the invalid on the Sabbath. In this last section of that dialog, He shows that His work was “legal” because He and the Father are one and do the same things. This week, Jesus presents witnesses who validate the truth of His words. Like a courtroom trial, He logically walks through evidence that shows His words can be trusted. Introduction I have never had jury duty. I vote every time I’m able, yet have never been selected to sit on a trial of any duration. I think I would enjoy the experience because I love the tension of court room scenario movies and books. Most dramas with this theme tend to climax at certain point where a key witness gives expert testimony, undeniable proof about the guilt or innocence of the accused. Even better if the opposing counsel is blindsided and justice i...