The Loss of All Things

I’ll admit it, I am in a funk. I’ve been stuck at home for the past few days unexpectedly. Once you’ve caught up on laundry, binge watched Friends, and checked work email for the 10 th time before 9 am what else is there to do? God was calling me to spend some time with Him. I do my daily study time but lately it’s felt a bit clinical. I’ve been checking it off the list and renewing my mind but my heart has not been fully involved. Add to that I’ve been coping with stress a bit differently. Eating less, sleeping more, isolating myself from my friends, avoiding making plans for vacations, almost scared of having anything tangible to hope in. I’m basically living in a world of indifference, where I move from irritability to frustration to anger in a relentless cycle. I guess trying to numb myself isn’t working very well. So...