
Showing posts from October, 2021

The Loss of All Things

              I’ll admit it, I am in a funk.  I’ve been stuck at home for the past few days unexpectedly.  Once you’ve caught up on laundry, binge watched Friends, and checked work email for the 10 th  time before 9 am what else is there to do? God was calling me to spend some time with Him.  I do my daily study time but lately it’s felt a bit clinical.  I’ve been checking it off the list and renewing my mind but my heart has not been fully involved.    Add to that I’ve been coping with stress a bit differently.  Eating less, sleeping more, isolating myself from my friends, avoiding making plans for vacations, almost scared of having anything tangible to hope in.  I’m basically living in a world of indifference, where I move from irritability to frustration to anger in a relentless cycle.  I guess trying to numb myself isn’t working very well.    So...

John-Come and See

        Orient Today’s reading is a transition section between the witness of John and the start of Jesus’s public ministry.  We will read two  calling stories  (a narrative where a prophet or disciple is called by God to begin a task, enter a vocation, or follow Jesus). [1]  In this section, Jesus begins to gather men around Him to become his disciples, who will eventually be his apostles, who receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, and serve as the foundation of the universal church by giving eyewitness testimony to His life.    Introduction Why do people follow Jesus?  Why did you follow Jesus?  In today’s reading we get a glimpse into a myriad of ways that we “leave our nets,” as these rough-necked fisherman did, and make learning from Jesus the new focus of our lives.  How did Jesus interact?  What did He ask of them and what does He ask of us today?    Opening Prayer Jesus, as I ...

John-Behold the Lamb

        Orient The prologue concluded, John begins a new section which we will be in for the first half of the book, proving who Jesus is through signs and testimony.  In this section, he introduces John the Baptist (different than the John who wrote this book).  We see 2 main ideas emerge: first ,where John is identified as the forerunner to herald the Christ and secondly, where he gives his testimony to who Christ is.     Introduction Often when meeting people for the first time, a safe question to ask is “what do you do?” as if somehow their job defines a crucial aspect of who they are as a person.  In the passage we are about to read, a major character in the story of Jesus is introduced-John the Baptist.  Yet those sent to learn more about John did not come in a curious and friendly manner.  Instead, they were sent to find out if he might be the Messiah.  In the very beginning of our pass...

John-Grace Upon Grace

        Orient This section continues the prologue, the introduction of the book, and Jesus is clearly revealed as the Word.  More about Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah is revealed.     Introduction Many people struggle with faith because they can’t see God.  This section opens and closes with statements that Christ has come to show us what God is really like and that He honors His word.  In verse 14, the word dwelt literally means to tabernacle with people.  This is meant to evoke the remembrance of the glory that filled the temple, now residing in the eternal Jesus Christ.  In Him, all the Old Testament promises are fulfilled, for how could a sinful people live with a holy God?  The law was given as a placeholder to give people access to God until the King of David’s line who was promised to rule brings grace into the relational equation.     Opening Prayer Jesus, I come today...

John-In Him was Life

        Orient Our first section comes from the prologue, the place where John introduces major themes we will read throughout the book, light, life, belief, rejection, and witness.    The style is poetic and meant to draw imagery from the book of Genesis.    Introduction Before time began was Jesus.    The Word, the Light, the life of men.    John the Baptizer bore witness than the Creator of all things was coming.    Those who trust in Him are adopted into the family of God.    Let these first few verses of John tune you into the majesty of Christ and gratitude for His arrival.      Opening Prayer Jesus show me today more of who you are; let me behold your glory and power in a fresh way.    You are my true light.    I come to you for life, use your word to renew me as I spend time with you.    Amen.    Meditation Read and reread the following passage, ...