The King's Heart
Who is a news watcher? We haven’t had cable in my house since I got married so going on 19 years…When 9/11 happened and everyone was glued to the set I had no idea it was happening until my husband called me from work. To this day I have still gladly not seen images of that tragic part of American history. With all the current events we are exposed to daily via the media, we are often overwhelmed with sorrow. From current headlines about the pandemic and racial unrest, phases, new regulations, and rioting, our hearts can tend to feel on a rollercoaster. Even myself, who is often sheltered from the latest reports, feels the anxiety and tension. John Eldridge says this about the cumulative effect on our hearts in his latest book Get Your Life Back: You’ve got to release the world, you’ve got to release people, crises, trauma, intrigue, all of it. There has to be sometime in your day where you just let it all ...