
Showing posts from July, 2020

The King's Heart

Who is a news watcher?  We haven’t had cable in my house since I got married so going on 19 years…When 9/11 happened and everyone was glued to the set I had no idea it was happening until my husband called me from work.  To this day I have still gladly not seen images of that tragic part of American history.    With all the current events we are exposed to daily via the media, we are often overwhelmed with sorrow. From current headlines about the pandemic and racial unrest, phases, new regulations, and rioting, our hearts can tend to feel on a rollercoaster. Even myself, who is often sheltered from the latest reports, feels the anxiety and tension.  John Eldridge says this about the cumulative effect on our hearts in his latest book  Get Your Life Back:    You’ve got to release the world, you’ve got to release people, crises, trauma, intrigue, all of it.  There has to be sometime in your day where you just let it all ...

From Darkness to Light

                                   When you think of who you are, what first comes to mind?  We’ve all been at parties making small talk and often, the first thing people say is “what do you do?”  It’s easy to express your value, especially at an acquaintance level, which focusing on the outward.  It’s awkward to share who you are inside.  Now I’m not advocating we all go out and share our truth with everyone we met.  Be wise and know that privilege is earned by those who over time have earned your trust.  But honestly, I think most people don’t share who they are because they don’t know who they are.  The human race endlessly chases things on the outside to try to define who they are on the inside.     The Bible in 1 Peter 2:9-10 describes who we are in a world searching for identity.     But you a...

His Holy Priests

What does a priesthood do? When I first read this verse, I thought that meant I pictured myself dressed like one of the archeologists from Indiana Jones before they opened the ark's lid and the spirits came out.  Or maybe like a monk in with a rough homespun and wooden cross with beads.  The images I had when reading this about myself were more about pop culture than any real understanding of what a priest actually does.  Not growing up Jewish, when God tells me I am his holy priest I'm not exactly sure what a priest does.  Here are some things I found out when I studied this passage:   *The Old Testament priest:   They are elect- The priests come from a family called the Levites, whom God chose as one of the tribes of Israel to serve him.  They didn't inherit their own tracks of land, when Joshua divided the land among the Israelites, but instead inherited cities and pasturelands within every tribe so they could minister to the Lord.  Their...

Taste That the Lord is Good

Spiritual maturity is, for the follower of Christ, something always to be seeking.  I have found that my spiritual growth is directly related to my time in the word of God.  As 1 Peter says in chapter 2:    Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. v 2-3 What do you long for?  The world to go back to normal? Certainty about your future?  Your fears of disease to diminish? What news are you waiting for...for it seems as if everyone is waiting on something.   There have been times in my life that I’ve desired to hear a message.  As a child, I longed to hear that my parents loved me, approved of me.  When I was a teen, I longed to hear that my friends accepted me and that boys I had a crush on my like me.  When I became on adult, I longed to hear good news in regards to my endeavors, like I got a job I had applied for, good test result...