
Showing posts from March, 2020

How Should the Church Respond: Prophesy

Last night I got to participate in a zoom meeting with a group of close friends.    Utilizing technology to connect with others is becoming more common as we seek to spend time with those we love by practicing social distancing.    This is my tribe, my life-group, friends who have been together +20 years in fellowship.    These are the people you call when you are moving, when you have something to celebrate or to grieve.    I hope all of you reading this have those kinds of friends and have had a chance to process the new reality we find ourselves living with them.    We needed to laugh, to cry, to share worries and how the shelter in place is affecting our lives.    We needed to pray.    To see facial expressions and hear voices was a comfort.    A few of us brought a word of scripture to share.    One friend followed up on last night’s digital hang out with a prayer via email.  ...

Love Never Fails

Dear Blog Readers, As I’ve been working on other projects, it has been a long time since I’ve last posted—so long in fact that I wonder who, if anyone, will read these words.  If you’re like me, life has been a bit different lately.  That’s not entirely accurate; life has thrown given us a hard left.  Our everyday lives, our busy schedules, our work and our plans have been almost entirely eliminated as we are living through the COVID-19 pandemic.  Many Christian teachers I follow have come out with sermons, blog posts, and podcasts addressing the state of the human heart and the place we spiritually find ourselves in.  And I am no different—though my influence may be small I want to use my voice to unite under one Spirit with those reminding us to turn to God.  I am so profoundly grateful that I have faith in a time where many are looking for answers.  Where I have peace, to counter the fear that is all around me....