Titus Study Overview
Sisters and Seekers, So excited to announce that I will be writing a bible study for you on the book of Titus. I recently read a book by Jen Wilken called Women of the Word and was inspired to study using her method and create a study out of what I'm learning for you! Please check out her book as a resource if you want to dig a little deeper. Before we get started, I want to highlights some concepts from her book that I think are important to cover because they give a framework to keep in mind as we go. The bible is a library, a collection of books with one big message. It is the message of God and His story, it's not a book about us. It has an overarching theme of creation-fall-redemption-restoration and every book in the Bible tells part of this one big story that God is telling through His word. You may have heard this referred to as the metanarrative. Knowing how what we are learning fits into this big story will help us make conne...