Deliberate Forgetting
They deliberately forgot that the Lord...2 Peter 3:5 My husband just came back from a trip to the store. He, like many others, had some last minute gifts to get. He was describing people in the parking lot, circling around, trying to find a space close to the store. Long lines waiting to make a purchase; he said you could smell the stress in the air. We can relate to that feeling of anxiety as even the most proactive of us get in situations where we've take on too much or circumstances wheel us out of control. While reading this morning, I came across a phrase in 2 Peter that made me pause (those are always good because then you know God is saying something to you...). They deliberately forgot-sometimes our lack of focus is intentional. We actually choose to go through live with the wrong perspective. The truth is too painful. What's interesting is in our attempts to avoid pain, we remain stuck in it els...