Devotional: The Straight Path
Okay…so this may be a long one and maybe a confusing one because I’m using the post to process out some things that God has been showing me. I’m excited because I sense that as I write He will make this clear to me and am in faith feeling prompted that maybe these words will also give clarity to one of you out there! Or it might totally confuse you and make you think; that’s meditation which we are also called to do (be in places where it’s not clear and we have to figure it out) so either way it’s a win-win! God is so symbolic. I love that part about Him. Often in my faith He has used earthly symbols to teach me things about myself and Him. It’s ironic that I’ve been called the Holy Bloodhound as a nickname and then the dog God gave me last November is a hound. She gets her nose on the ground and when she’s on the trail, watch out…she won’t be paying attention to much other than the trail. I so get that way! This ...