Introduction : All over the world, no matter what culture or time period, traditions are part of the human experience. Anticipating a gathering of friends and family, food, music, rest, and joy is something we all need. The God who created us designed and implanted this desire into humanity and guided His people to memorialize His story of rescue with them. As we continue our broad survey of Exodus, this week’s section of the book is as familiar as the plagues to most readers-the Passover and the Israelites escape from Egypt as they cross the Red Sea. Not only did God establish these rituals to remind His people of His great power and holiness, He established them as a symbol for His people today. The Passover commemorated the Israelites escape from death, the blood on the door signaled the angel to pass over their home, the Unleavened bread gathered in haste as they left quickly. Our exodus from the slavery of ...