Exodus- Calling

Introduction Sometimes when a group of moms go out together, they start recounting their labor experiences. These are never my favorite stories as the bones of the story are all roughly the same, there was lots of pain and then a baby. Moses’s mother on the other hand had a unique story to tell and we are privileged to hear it again in this section of Exodus. Instead of showers and visitors, she broke the law by giving birth and keeping her son. She hid him for months and then made the courageous decision to set him adrift on the river, hoping for a miracle. And one did come, God had plans for Moses to lead His people from Egypt. No matter what is happening around us, what are circumstances may be, God in His sovereignty looks ahead and positions us right where we need to be. Scripture Read Exodus 2-4:17 Chapter 2:1-22 Moses Born and Flees to Midian Moses was born to parents...