
Showing posts from October, 2022

John The True Life

        Orient  John 14:1-31 Jesus continues His teaching in the Upper Room, giving His followers perspective before His imminent arrest and trial.  This section is considered a farewell discourse as Jesus gives final thoughts and his followers respond in sorrowful questions, not knowing what will happen.  Important teaching about the Holy Spirit is found in this section and can be regarded as a key passage detailing His unique work and personhood within the Trinity.       Introduction Bread broken and wine poured.  The One who cleaned their feet reclines with them at the table.   Judas the betrayer has just gone out to gather soldiers and a guard to assist the Pharisees to arrest Jesus.  Peter, who proclaimed He would never betray Him, is told this very night he would deny Christ 3 times.  Yet Jesus continues to teach and comfort His closest followers knowing that hours from th...

John-Truly Clean

    Orient  John 13:1-38 Starting in chapter 13, we enter the second section of the book of John.  Through chapter 17, we will be in the “Farewell Discourse.”  In these four chapters, readers get an inside look at the service, teaching, and prayers of Christ in the final hours Jesus spends with His followers before His arrest and crucifixion.  Today’s narrative happens the Thursday of Passion week in the Upper Room.  Jesus uses the symbolism of cleansing to show His followers their need for His sacrifice.  The group of disciples are also cleansed as the betrayer, Judas, is removed from among them.  The servanthood of Christ is highlighted as an example for us.    Introduction I’m what you call low maintenance; I can slap on mascara and Chapstick and be ready to go.  The only beauty service I make time for is a haircut every few months.  I typically do my own pedicures and only go to ...