How I am Praying for You
A few weeks ago I met with my ministry team (don’t get excited, over Zoom of course) and collectively we were at a crossroads. How do we minister to people we can’t be with? A lot of our talk was focused on methodology—in a virtual world, how to we make the greatest impact. Worried about the spiritual strength of those we were shepherding, how to we intervene and encourage their faith? If you are in ministry right now, you may be wrestling with the same questions and problems. Though you may not consider yourself “in ministry,” meaning a church body has designated you in a pastoral role over others, you have connections with other believers. There are some farther along the road of faith than you, and some further behind. Paul compares the spiritual journey to a race in 1 Corinthians 1:24, a single-minded focus on where we are headed that must be approached with intention. If you’ve been runn...