His Strength
The past few years have taught me the stark reality of the seasons of faith. God is so good to us; he constantly gives us pictures of what the inner life is like by the things around us that He has created. Dear reader, I don't know where you are in your journey currently, but here are some of the seasons I have been through: Summers-a season of vibrancy, strength, and light. Where all is well with my soul because faith seems easy. Worship, praise, gratitude bubble up from within me and I can't hold them back. It feels like God's pretense comes easy and it will never change. I'm filled up by every spiritual discipline and my cup overflows. Fall-decay, slowing down, and strain seem to mark this season. It hums between bright skies and clouds. There is an undercurrent that I need to pay attention to something or hold on while it lasts and that a stark season is on the horizon. Yet there are times of cozying up to God, wrapping him ...