

  Introduction   The Israelites have seen God move in dramatic ways.  They have just been rescued from Pharaoh for a second time.  This left them on a spiritual high as they responded in worship.  Yet after seeing the plagues and God’s deliverance, days without new miracles leave them despondent.  Many of the stories in this installment of Exodus show a people with short memories.  They begin to grumble as God’s provision doesn’t come in their timing.  They need water in the desert and complain to the One who had just commanded the Red Sea to destroy their enemies.  In biblical settings, the desert is a place where people wander, need guidance, and mutter against Yahweh [1] .  Is it so different in our days? In symbolic fashion we describe seasons of life where there is dryness and scarcity as being “in the desert.” Are we patient with God and remember what He has just done for us when His timing is different than our expectations?      Scripture  Read 15:22-18:27 This section of Exodu


  Introduction :  All over the world, no matter what culture or time period, traditions are part of the human experience.  Anticipating a gathering of friends and family, food, music, rest, and joy is something we all need.  The God who created us designed and implanted this desire into humanity and guided His people to memorialize His story of rescue with them.  As we continue our broad survey of Exodus, this week’s section of the book is as familiar as the plagues to most readers-the Passover and the Israelites escape from Egypt as they cross the Red Sea.     Not only did God establish these rituals to remind His people of His great power and holiness, He established them as a symbol for His people today.  The Passover commemorated the Israelites escape from death, the blood on the door signaled the angel to pass over their home, the Unleavened bread gathered in haste as they left quickly. Our exodus from the slavery of sin was accomplished on the cross, once for all.  As we receive

Exodus-The Plagues

  Introduction:   I have two children and raising them into their teens has taken two different approaches.  My son is pretty straight forward.  He is a logical young man and it’s always been rational conversation that has helped him see the light.  My daughter on the other hand is all heart.  She fires up quickly and needs time to process her emotions before having a conversation where she can admit to wrongdoing.  Though I did my best to treat them the same, their response to my authority had two different outcomes.     In this section of Exodus, we see God the Father begin to parent His children.  He begins His rescue mission by showing His power to the Israelites.  We see two different responses to His displays of power.  In beholding the majesty of God, the Hebrews begin to trust in God and Pharaoh becomes more and more stubborn and determined to rebel.  Despite their different responses, God will be glorified through it all.  No one can deny that the One who can turn the water to

Exodus- Calling

  Introduction Sometimes when a group of moms go out together, they start recounting their labor experiences.  These are never my favorite stories as the bones of the story are all roughly the same, there was lots of pain and then a baby.  Moses’s mother on the other hand had a unique story to tell and we are privileged to hear it again in this section of Exodus.  Instead of showers and visitors, she broke the law by giving birth and keeping her son.  She hid him for months and then made the courageous decision to set him adrift on the river, hoping for a miracle.     And one did come, God had plans for Moses to lead His people from Egypt.  No matter what is happening around us, what are circumstances may be, God in His sovereignty looks ahead and positions us right where we need to be.       Scripture Read Exodus 2-4:17   Chapter 2:1-22 Moses Born and Flees to Midian Moses was born to parents Amram and Jochebed, both members of the house of Levi, foreshadowing the great priest he woul

Exodus-Fear of God

Introduction :   If you’ve ever been to a performance, you know there is a certain amount of anticipation before the curtain rises.  Attendees find their seats and settle in their coats and handbags.  They may make conversation with those around them or check the programs.  Ushers roam the isles and children make last minute visits to the restroom.  When the curtain rises, hushed attention now shifts from the waiting to the experience you have come to see.  The same can be said of the first chapter of Exodus.  The first paragraph serves as a transition, a summary of where the people have Israel left off from Genesis.  The curtain rises and we see what God has planned next for His people.     Scripture :  Read Exodus Chapter 1.    v. 1-7 …they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong When we pick up the narrative at the end of Genesis, the sons of Israel were already in Egypt.  There had been a famine in the land, and God had placed Joseph there ahead of time to care for his father and br